MJ Conroy Construction strives to provide all its clients with the optimum level of quality and integrity of service along with the safety of all personnel and protection of the environment.
To demonstrate its commitment to the highest levels of quality, safety and environmental standards, MJ Conroy have specific policies and management systems in operation.
Both the quality and safety management systems are accredited to industry standards and are subject to annual external audit; namely ISO 9001 : 2015, ISO 45001 : 2018 and Safe –T- Cert.
Quality Policy
It is the policy of MJ Conroy that work for its customers is carried out to their specification, completed on time and within budget. To meet this objective, the organisation has established a documented quality system, complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. This system is binding on all its employees.
The Management emphasises that the quality of work and the satisfaction of customers’ needs is the responsibility of all employees. It is the responsibility of all managers and supervisors to ensure that everybody under their control understands the system and that it is implemented and maintained in their areas.
MJ Conroy is committed to a policy of regular review for maintaining continuing suitability and to uncover areas for improvement with a view to better satisfaction of our customers’ needs. The company is also committed to continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management system and to review quality objectives.
The ISO 9001:2015 certification applies to the construction section of this website only.
Occupational Health & Safety Policy & Commitment
It is management policy of MJ Conroy Construction in so far as is reasonably practicable, to seek and provide safe and healthy working conditions for the company’s employees, providing information, training and supervision and to enlist the active support of all employees in achieving such conditions. To meet this objective, we have established a documented occupational health and safety management system that meets the needs of interested parties and complies with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018; occupational health and safety management system and Safe-T-Cert.
It is the policy of management at MJ Conroy Construction:
- To promote standards of health, safety and welfare that comply with the provisions and requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007, the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 as well as all other statutory provisions and Codes of Practice applicable to our organisation.
- To provide and maintain, as far as reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy working environment for employees of this company and others who may be affected by company operations.
- To ensure that all employees realise that they have a responsibility to co-operate with Management, in order to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others.
- To consult with all staff and employees on matters of health and safety.
- To co-operate with, and seek the co-operation of, clients, main contractors, sub-contractors and enforcing authorities, to ensure work is carried out in a safe manner.
- To review the contents of the company Safety Statement as changes occur in this operation and periodically, to ensure this document is relevant.
- To bring the contents that are relevant to employees’ attention annually by issuing them with a summary safety statement document.
- To ensure that the company Safety Statement is in a form, manner and, as appropriate, language that is reasonably likely to be understood by employees.
- To provide sufficient resources for the implementation of this policy and to seek competent advice if required.
- To work in accordance with any Joint Safety Agreements, approved by the Health and Safety Authority, in relation to the construction industry.
- To provide health surveillance where a need is identified by a risk assessment or where prescribed by law.
- To source materials that comply with the appropriate safety standards.
- To maintain a policy of ongoing identification and adherence to new health and safety legislation and best practice.
- To strive to continually seek improvements in the health and safety performance of the company and to provide a framework for setting OH&S objectives.
- To hold formal senior management review meetings at least annually to review the health and safety performance of the company and to identify areas where improvements can be made in optimising health and safety performance.
- To commit to eliminate hazards and reduce occupational health and safety risks.
- To commit to continually improve our occupational health and safety management system.
The ISO 45001:2018 certification applies to the construction section of this website only.
MJ Conroy Construction is a Safe-T-Cert certified company. Safe-T-Cert is an independent health and safety management certification system developed by the Construction Industry Federation in the Republic of Ireland and the Construction Employers Federation in Northern Ireland.
The system takes account of best practice guidelines in respect of health and safety in the construction industry. Only companies that have gone through a detailed certification process, including audits and interviews and who meet the minimum system criteria, receive certification. Certified firms are audited annually by an independent auditor and must meet the system standards and audit requirements to maintain their certification. Clients are assured that certified contractors have an effective health and safety management system.
The company is a member of NISO, the National Irish Safety Organisation. NISO is a voluntary body dedicated to the promotion of health and safety in Irish workplaces. It is also a NISO national safety award winner for four consecutive years from 2010 to 2014, winning the West Region overall Award in 2014.
Environmental policy
It is the policy of MJ Conroy to ensure the company is committed to continual improvement and to the prevention of environmental pollution.
In order to accomplish this, the company:
- Ensures daily operations are undertaken in a manner which is committed to sustainable development – including pollution prevention, waste minimisation and segregation – and the prevention of any discharge into the atmosphere, land or water.
- Pursues environmental performance which exceeds (if practicable) regulatory requirements and industry standards to which MJ Conroy subscribes; guided by the principles of the ISO 14001:2004 series of standards.
This policy is binding on all its employees.
The management emphasises that the appropriate segregation of waste and awareness of the environmental impacts of its activities is the responsibility of all its employees.
It is the responsibility of all managers and supervisors to ensure that everybody under their control understands the system and that it is implemented and maintained in their areas.
MJ Conroy is committed to a policy of regular reviews for maintaining continuing environmental improvement and to uncover areas for improvement in incorporating sound environmental practices.
Corporate Social Responsiblity
Let's Build a Better Future Together

MJ Conroy places a strong emphasis on the responsibilities we have to our clients, the community and the part played in building a sustainable future for all of us. We continue to build our reputation for excellence, quality and reliability while enhancing our corporate social responsibility.
Our goal is to run a responsible business, leading by example, going beyond what is required of us in law, while exceeding and protecting our stakeholders’ needs.
By clearly communicating how we do things, defining our core principles and values, we can attract and retain customers and employees. What sets us apart is our drive to learn new techniques that deliver superior solutions that protect and support our future environment.
Our Values:
- Workplace – act in a responsible and respectful manner towards our people, promote a positive and safe workplace. Encourage continuous training and development that support career progress. Embrace diversity and engage with a range of customers, suppliers and employees.
- Environment – develop a comprehensive environmental policy to promote sustainable and responsible business. Commit to minimising the impact of our operations to ensure a more sustainable future.
- Marketplace – work closely with our clients on the planning and execution of projects that exceeds their expectations. Partner with ethical suppliers to provide a unified, excellent service and build long term relationships.
- Community – commit to having a positive impact on society and open to engage with clients, suppliers and employees that support social causes. Recognise the importance of employee volunteering that help local community groups and charities.
- Quality – our people strive at all times to provide a quality of service which exceeds client expectations. Part of what makes us different is our dedication and innovative approach to continually enhance our quality standards to the client.

Dignity Charter & Associated Bullying, Harassment Policy
We at MJ Conroy commit ourselves to working together to maintain a workplace environment that encourages and supports the right to dignity at work. All who work here are expected to respect the right of each individual to dignity in their working life.
All will be treated equally and respected for their individuality and diversity. Bullying in any form is not accepted by us and will not be tolerated. Our policies and procedures will underpin the principles and objectives of this Charter.
All individuals, whether directly employed or contracted by us, have a duty and a responsibility to uphold this Dignity at Work Charter.
Supervisors and Managers where applicable in the workplace have a specific responsibility to promote its provisions.

sustainability Policy
MJ Conroy Construction is committed to fostering sustainable development through responsible business
practices that minimize environmental impact, enhance social well-being, and promote ethical governance.
Our sustainability policy outlines our commitment to integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
principles into our operations and corporate strategy.