Covid-19 vaccination

Attention of all Company Employees


The Covid-19 vaccination programme is now gathering pace and will greatly assist to protect ourselves, families and society in general from Covid-19. Nonetheless, we must continue to follow the industry safety protocols to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all people engaged within the construction industry. In that regard I attach a copy of our updated site and office Covid-19 protocols. Please familiarise yourself with the document applicable to your work place (site or office) and particularly the updates to it. These updates are identified in the table on page 2.

The decision to get a vaccination against Covid-19 is voluntary and people will therefore make their own individual decision in this regard.

MJ Conroy strongly recommend that people get the vaccine when they are offered it to protect themselves, their family and colleagues. We will provide as much support as possible including offering the trusted source of our company doctor for advice if requested by any employee.

We would also direct employees to the HSE, ECDC and WHO websites (listed below) for detailed information and advice on the vaccination.

If you have decided for whatever reason not to take a vaccine, we would ask that you advise myself directly in confidence as we will have to review our Covid-19 risk assessment to reflect this and the control measures that we have in place to protect our staff.{adgroupsurvey}&gclid=Cj0KCQjw–GFBhDeARIsACH_kdadeNDfY_ooOTINwwNaWG1Zmk6bGIGyW9gd7cI1ayvR8xoGFOQ94VEaAlNrEALw_wcB

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