Day 4 – Construction Safety Week 2021

Safe lifting is as much about load preparation, and we must also consider the importance of safe load securing and transportation. Fatalities have resulted from the loading, transportation and unloading of materials and equipment. In recognition of this, a video recording on Load Securing of Construction Plant and Attachments was filmed for Construction Safety Week 2020 in conjunction with the HSA, Gills Driving School, Coffey Group, Ward & Burke, EPS, Murphy and Glan Agua, which outlines best practice for load securing. This may be viewed HERE!



Day 4. 28 October 2021

Hazards Associated with Plant and Pedestrian Safety

According to the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), the greatest risk to pedestrians is from vehicles and mobile plant. It is highlighted that there are substantial blind spots on dozers, wheeled loading shovels and excavators, with workers at risk of being run over if they are in the operator’s blind spot.

The law requires that pedestrians and vehicles must co-exist safely both in indoor and outdoor places of work. Where vehicles are operating, the vulnerable group may be co-workers, visitors, or members of the public. To protect pedestrians, vehicle travel routes should be clearly delineated, with enough clearance space between persons and vehicles considering the number of users and the work activities

The HSA highlights that the employer or a person in control of a workplace must carry out a documented risk assessment of workplace transport hazards to include an evaluation and assessment of vehicles and mobile work equipment in use in the workplace. Additionally, pedestrian activity within the operational areas shall wherever possible be restricted, particularly in hours of darkness, and for certain operations ‘no entry’ zones should be identified and clearly marked.


Construction Site Traffic Management Plan

The law requires that pedestrians and vehicles must co-exist safely both in indoor and outdoor places of work. Where vehicles are operating, the vulnerable group may be co-workers, visitors, or members of the public. To protect pedestrians, vehicle travel routes should be clearly delineated, with enough clearance space between persons and vehicles.

The HSA highlights that an employer or a person in control of a workplace must carry out a documented risk assessment of workplace transport hazards to include an evaluation and assessment of vehicles and mobile work equipment in use in the workplace. A Traffic Management Plan should be in place and adhered to.

Here are some links to HSA guidance:

HSA – Vehicles at Work
HSA – Plant & Equipment Safety
HSA CoP – Working on Roads (3 or less employees)
HSA Info. Sheet – Mobile Machinery
HSA Info. Sheet: Pedestrian Safety
HSA Info. Sheet – Safe Use of Site Dumpers




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